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Definition of sexual exploitation and abuse

The terms sexual exploitation and abuse refer to inappropriate treatment, behavior or conduct or sexual violence by humanitarian workers against service users.

Sexual exploitation is any actual or attempted abuse of someone’s position of vulnerability, differential power or trust, to obtain sexual favors, which also includes monetary, social or political benefits from the sexual exploitation of others.

Sexual abuse is any actual sexual contact or attempted sexual contact resulting from coercion, threat or deception through an authoritarian relationship, regardless of the age of the perpetrator and the victim.

Definicija spolnega izkoriščanja in zlorabe

Spolno izkoriščanje pomeni vsako dejansko zlorabo ali poskus zlorabe položaja ranljivosti, nesorazmerja moči ali zaupanja v spolne namene, kar med drugim vključuje denarno, družbeno ali politično korist od spolnega izkoriščanja drugega.

Spolna zloraba pomeni dejanski fizični poseg spolne narave ali grožnjo z njim, bodisi s silo bodisi pod neenakimi ali prisilnimi pogoji.